The Spinning Wheel:
- 34 years teaching K-12 Physical Education ( taught in every building in the district )
- 34 years of coaching….( Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball and Track.)
Fondest Teaching Memory: The most classic memory I will never forget actually happened during an observation. I had a class of first graders sitting in a circle in the middle of the gym. I was quizzing the students on the rules in physical education class. I called it the “ do’s and don’ts” of PE. Each student raised their hand and offered some great answers. Then one young man with the biggest smile on his face stood up and yelled out, “You don’t hold on to your penis in PE class!” All the boys on the circle nodded their heads in agreement. My response was, “Yes, this is true. We shouldn’t do that. Funny, it didn’t appear on my observation.
Biggest Teaching Debacle: One year there was a major roof issue in the HS gymnasium. They tore off the old roofing just before the weekend. The problem was that it rained over the weekend. The water came through the nail holes and flooded the gym. They covered the floor with a tarp trapping moisture underneath. The floor buckled so bad that I could touch the rim while standing on the floor. The remainder of the year my classes were in a classroom or the cafeteria. All of my basketball games were away.
Plans for Retirement:
- Living in a van down by the river!
- Cape Cod sand in September!