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Your Dental Benefits Plan, 2013-2014

Your dental plan through the Benefit Trust

Company: Delta Dental

Group #: 10307

Card: There is none.

Contacting Delta:

∙                       Go to the website and establish a user account.  You’ll be able to track your usage and those of family members who are included in the plan.  Note your enrollee number.  If you need to call Delta, that’s the number they’ll ask for.

∙                       Once you’re enrolled you’ll be able to see all the specifics of our plan.

Plan Coverage :

  •           Currently the plan covers 100% for all dental procedures, up to a maximum of $3000.00 per covered person. 
  •           Orthodontics for children are covered up to a maximum of $3000.
  •           Adult orthodontics are covered up to $5000 maximum.  Children are covered up to their 26th birthday.
  •           Our plan year is from July 1 through June 30.   You get two cleaning/exams per plan year, which should be  6 months apart.

            If you go online you’ll be able to easily locate a dentist participating in Delta Dental.  You should not be paying anything out of pocket up front with a Delta dentist.   If your dentist isn’t with Delta, our plan will reimburse at a very good rate, but there will probably be some out-of-pocket payment.  The amount will vary with the procedure.

            If you’re contemplating major work, make sure to have the dentist get an estimate from Delta on what the rate will be.  It will be lower than the regular price the dentist charges, but under Delta’s rules, their rate is what the dentist must charge you.  You are not liable for any difference between the dentist’s office rate and the amount that Delta is paying the dentist.   However, if you are going over your coverage maximum, you may be required to pay that difference.  That’s the point of getting the estimate from Delta first.

What do I do if I have a problem?

  •           Your first line of defense is you.  Call Delta (their number is on the website) and question the billing or procedure.  Most things can be handled pretty simply.

  •           If there is a problem with your personal information, Delta will tell you to contact the Benefit Trust co-chair.  This year it’s Shelly McKinley in the Middle School.  Email is always preferable to a phone call.  She can make name changes, eligibility changes, and so forth very easily.  Delta will not do this for you over the phone.

  •           If a problem starts to get complicated, contact your Benefit Trust co-chair.

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